Help preparing a Customs Invoice
Preparing a Customs Invoice
If you send shipments that have to be declared to Customs (from out side of UK) you are required to complete a commercial or pro-forma invoice detailing the contents and value of the shipment.To make things easier for you we have prepared a blank master invoice, which can be downloaded and printed on to your letter headed paper. You will be required to fill in the following sections:Your details – Please enter your full details.
Receiver details
Please enter the receivers full details,
RF Global Solutions Limited, 21-23 Langlands Place, Kelvin South Business Park, East Kilbride, Lanarkshire, G75 0YF, UK
Qty & Weight
Please enter the exact quantity of units being shipped.
1 Piece 32KG
Full description
Describing the goods as accurately as possible is essential for Customs and airline security. Poorly described shipments can be detained for further examination by Customs.Value – This is for Customs purposes. Please insert at least the replacement value, in pounds sterling, of the goods you are sending.
RF Generator, RF Matching Network, RF Sealer
Customs code
This is optional. If you have a Customs commodity code for the goods you are sending please enter it here.
For help with these contact the office office@rfglobalsolutions.co.uk
Reason for export
Please state reason for export, examples may be – sale, sample review, temporary export for repair etc.
When using our repair service always note “Repair and Return under IP Authorisation IP/0923/628/27“
Shippers VAT No.
If you don’t have a VAT number print “UNREG”. If you are a private shipper print “PR”.
Our VAT number is GB845342917

Please complete FIVE copies and remember to sign each copy with a BLUE pen.
Please type or use block capitals to avoid delays at Customs.
Customers who ship RF Generators, Power Supplies and RF Matching Networks to RF Global Solutions should be aware that as of 1st January 2023 our Inward Processing number will be changing to IP/0923/628/27 our CDS number will also change at the same time to GBIPO84534291700020220524115303.
If you are outside the UK and shipping a unit for repair or refurbishment you should mark all your paperwork and your box/ consignment with “Repair and Return under IP Authorisation IP/0923/628/27“. You may also wish to note CDSGBIPO84534291700020220524115303 (although this is optional).
What is Inward Processing?

This will help avoid any shipping delays. When you arrange a shipment to RF Global Solutions please remember to share the tracking details with our office by emailing office@rfglobalsolutions.co.uk
When you share the details of inbound shipments we are able to monitor this for you on a daily basis and proactively deal with any issues that may arise on your behalf.
Should you require any help please get in touch, you can book a repair online using the following link https://www.rfglobalsolutions.co.uk/report-a-fault/
For more information please download our sample Customs invoice
Sample Customs Invoice (PDF)