The policy and practice of RF Global Solutions require that all staff are afforded equal opportunities within employment and that entry into employment within RF Global Solutions and progression within employment will be determined only by personal merit and the application of criteria which are related to the duties of each particular post and the relevant salary structure. Subject to statutory provisions, no applicant or member of staff will be treated less favourably than another because of his or her political opinion or affiliation, sex, marital status, gender reassignment, sexual orientation ethnic or national origin, race, colour, religion or belief, age or disability. In all cases, ability to perform the job will be the primary consideration.


RF Global Solutions welcomes diversity amongst its staff and seeks to ensure that all candidates for employment are treated fairly, and that selection is based solely on the individual merits of candidates and on selection criteria relevant to the post. In pursuance of this aim and of its statutory duties, RF Global Solutions, as an employer committed to the principle or equality of opportunity, will adhere to the following procedures in the conduct of the recruitment and selection process for all posts. (Note that for the purpose of this code ‘racial group’ means a group of persons defined by reference to colour, race, nationality or ethnic or national origins).

1)   Selection Criteria

Selection criteria for all posts will be agreed by those responsible for proposing a candidate for appointment and will be clearly defined and reflected in the further particulars sent to candidates. Job qualifications or requirements, which would have the effect of inhibiting applications from members of particular groups, such as those of one sex, persons of a particular material status or sexual orientation, persons of a particular racial group, or those with a disability, will not be demanded or imposed except where they are justifiable in terms of the job to be done.

2)   Advertising

Jobs will always be advertised unless there are good grounds for not doing so. Jobs will be widely publicized so as to encourage applications from a broad range of suitable applicants from all backgrounds. Advertisements will state RF Global Solutions commitment to the principle or equality of opportunity. In addition, where further particulars are prepared they will quote in full RF Global Solutions equal opportunity policy statement and make reference to maternity leave. Further particulars will be made available in large print, tape or other formats when disabled applicants request them.

3)   Selection methods

All those handling applications and conducting interviews will be made aware of the principles of the sex discrimination legislation, the race relations legislation, the disabilities discrimination act and other relevant legislation and regulations. Attention will be drawn to the availability of RF Global Solutions training and advice in furtherance of this requirement. All candidates will be compared objectively with the selection criteria, and all applications will be processed in the same way. Information sought from candidates and passed to those responsible for appointments will relate only to the qualifications for or the requirements of the job. It is recognised that RF Global Solutions has a statutory obligation to make such adjustments to the workplace and to working arrangements as are reasonable to accommodate suitably qualified disabled applicants.

4)   Interviews

Whenever suitably qualified persons are available, there will be at least one member of each sex on the bodies responsible for short listing, interviewing and making or recommending an appointment. As many as possible, and at least one member of each interview panel should have attended equal opportunities training. Interview questions will relate to the selection criteria. No questions will be based on assumptions about roles in the home and family, or questions about private personal relationships, marital status, children, domestic obligations, marriage plans, or family intentions will not be asked at interview. If a candidate has made it known that they have a disability that would require some form of special provision to be made, ways of making that provision will be discussed in the course of the interview, but no questions relating to disabilities will be asked except as the practicalities of the job require. Questions about a candidate’s ability to “fit in” with colleagues may also be construed as unlawful discrimination. Where it is necessary to obtain information about personal circumstances (for example, in relation to selection criteria such as flexibility to work irregular hours) or as to whether a candidate will work well with colleagues, except where the special circumstances created by a candidate’s disability are at issue, related questions will be asked equally of all candidates. Like other questions, these will relate only to job requirements. In the case of disabled applicants who identify themselves at the application stage, appropriate interview arrangements (such as accessible interview rooms or the assistance of sign interpreter) should be offered to enable candidates to complete on an equal basis.

5)   Record Keeping

All applications submitted by candidates, and all paperwork relating to selection criteria and the decision making process will be kept for at least six months after an appointment has been made, in case they are required as evidence by an employment tribunal or for other proceedings. RF Global Solutions will keep records of sex, race, age, and disability (if any) of all candidates short-listed and appointed. The gender composition of selection panels will also be monitored. Such records may be used to determine whether members of one sex or persons of certain racial or age group, or those with a disability do not apply for employment, or apply in smaller numbers than might be expected, or are short listed or appointed in lower proportion than their application rate, or are concentrated in certain jobs. Where such under-representation is identified, positive, action will be developed in accordance with the provisions of the sex discrimination act 1975, the race relations act 1976 and any other relevant national legislation. RF Global Solutions will investigate the practicalities of monitoring progression within employment, including access to training and development, promotion and grading.

6)   Review of recruitment practice

Recruitment procedures and practices will be kept under review so as to ensure that this code is being adhered to. RF Global Solutions will appoint an equal opportunities officer with overall responsibility for advising on the operation of this code and for obtaining relevant information and advice. That officer will liaise with the personnel department, and will submit a report to RF Global Solutions in the first week summarising the results of recruitment monitoring, and drawing attention to any issues needing further attention. This code shall be printed as an appendix to the by-laws, and may be amended by RF Global Solutions Limited from time to time.

Please contact us directly for further information.