Over 900+ units available
One of the biggest differentials between RF Global Solutions and our competition is the level of stock we hold. Our state of the art facility contains both replacement components used for facilitating quick turnarounds on repair work and full RF equipment, which is refurbished and ready for sale.
In the third quarter of 2012 RF Global Solutions expanded the complex, doubling our work and storage space. This has enabled us to hold substantially more refurbished equipment, which can be refurbished and made ready for sale. This will be of enormous benefit to our customers who now have an even wider choice of equipment available, with shortened turn around times.
Advanced Stock Control System
We have invested on new stock control software, improved the internal tracking of our inventory and have hired a new stores person to oversee the operation.
Genuine Spare Parts
RF Global Solutions hold in excess of 10,000 genuine spare parts within our facility including AE Mosfet Modules, Bi-Polar RF Power Transistors and Air Variable and Vacuum Variable Capacitors.
Please contact us directly for further information.